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Lua 调用 Opencv 的方法
最近想用 Lua 调用 Opencv 进行相关像素级操作,如:bitwise_and 或者 bitwise_or,从而完成图像 IoU 的计算。
那么,怎么用 Lua 调用 Opencv 呢?
查了 Torch 的官方文档,发现只有这么几个可以调用的包:
链接: https://github.com/torch/torch7/wiki/Cheatsheet
然后,你点击一个进去,发现有这么一个方法,可以安装对应的 Opencv 包:
然后,你就在终端里输入: luarocks install cv ,发现半天没反应 。。。
然后,就是等待了,这个”龟速“ 真的不能忍!!!
其实,这里并没有那么直接,因为,你发现,如果你没有下载好 Opencv 官方的软件包,安装的时候,会提示你错误,从而停止掉!
首先,是下载安装 Opencv 官方的 3.1 Linux 版本文件;
然后,确保你的 Torch 是没有问题的;
然后就开始执行刚刚那一句:luarocks install cv,这里,如果你可以直接指定 Opencv 文件的路径,就更好了,即:
例如: OpenCV_DIR="/home/wangxiao/opencv-3.1.0" luarocks install cv
然后,你能做的,就还是等待,等待,再等待 。。。
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:30 (FIND_PACKAGE):
Could not find a configuration file for package "OpenCV" that is compatible with requested version "3.1".The following configuration files were considered but not accepted:
/home/wangxiao/opencv-3.1.0/cmake/OpenCVConfig.cmake, version: unknown
/usr/share/OpenCV/OpenCVConfig.cmake, version: Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/tmp/luarocks_cv-scm-1-1973/torch-opencv/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
后来找到一个关于求解 IoU 的帖子,来自于 Faster RCNN :
1 function o = boxoverlap(a, b) 2 % Compute the symmetric intersection over union overlap between a set of 3 % bounding boxes in a and a single bounding box in b. 4 % 5 % a a matrix where each row specifies a bounding box 6 % b a matrix where each row specifies a bounding box 7 8 % AUTORIGHTS 9 % -------------------------------------------------------10 % Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Ross Girshick11 % Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 Pedro Felzenszwalb, Ross Girshick12 % 13 % This file is part of the voc-releaseX code14 % (http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~rbg/latent/)15 % and is available under the terms of an MIT-like license16 % provided in COPYING. Please retain this notice and17 % COPYING if you use this file (or a portion of it) in18 % your project.19 % -------------------------------------------------------20 21 o = cell(1, size(b, 1));22 for i = 1:size(b, 1)23 x1 = max(a(:,1), b(i,1));24 y1 = max(a(:,2), b(i,2));25 x2 = min(a(:,3), b(i,3));26 y2 = min(a(:,4), b(i,4));27 28 w = x2-x1+1;29 h = y2-y1+1;30 inter = w.*h;31 aarea = (a(:,3)-a(:,1)+1) .* (a(:,4)-a(:,2)+1);32 barea = (b(i,3)-b(i,1)+1) * (b(i,4)-b(i,2)+1);33 % intersection over union overlap34 o{i} = inter ./ (aarea+barea-inter);35 % set invalid entries to 0 overlap36 o{i}(w <= 0) = 0;37 o{i}(h <= 0) = 0;38 end39 40 o = cell2mat(o);
晚上回去,我找了找 Faster RCNN Torch版本的代码:
1 function Rect.union(a, b) 2 local minx = math.min(a.minX, b.minX) 3 local miny = math.min(a.minY, b.minY) 4 local maxx = math.max(a.maxX, b.maxX) 5 local maxy = math.max(a.maxY, b.maxY) 6 return Rect.new(minx, miny, maxx, maxy) 7 end 8 9 function Rect.intersect(a, b)10 local minx = math.max(a.minX, b.minX)11 local miny = math.max(a.minY, b.minY)12 local maxx = math.min(a.maxX, b.maxX)13 local maxy = math.min(a.maxY, b.maxY)14 if maxx >= minx and maxy >= miny then15 return Rect.new(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)16 else17 return Rect.empty()18 end19 end20 21 function Rect.IoU(a, b)22 local i = Rect.intersect(a, b):area() 23 return i / (a:area() + b:area() - i)24 end
是的,这就是关于求解 IoU 的代码了,至于,怎么调用 Opencv,我想说的是,等我安装好工具包先(此刻已泪崩 。。。)